SPEC 5464 - New Option to Track Armstrong Samples and Displays

Date Released: April 2017

Modules: Regional Distribution Center Menu (RDC)

Description: Creates a maintenance screen and invoice extract that allows for tracking of Armstrong samples and displays at RDC locations.

Reason for Change: This new option (RDC 24) provides the ability to track displays; which can be tied to invoices.

  1. This functionality is accessed via menu option RDC 24.
  2. On the screen that appears, input data that identifies Armstrong displays in your system.

  3. Press F1 to display some important notes on how to fill out the parameters.

  4. When items identified as displays, per the parameters in the screens shown above, are invoiced those invoices are included in a nightly Invoice extract for Armstrong.

    All invoice lines for Armstrong products, even if they are not identified as displays, on the invoice are included in the invoice extract that is sent to Armstrong.
  5. The invoice extract, in the form of a spreadsheet, contains the following information about all lines on an invoice that meet the selection criteria.